Fae Lily's Faery Quilt

faelily bar

If you would like to contribute a piece to the faery quilt, please email it or send it through my Fae Guestbook. Quilt pieces are 130x130 pixels, and smaller file sizes are preferred. To pick up my squares for you, click here.

Fluttering Pixie Fae adopted from The Enchanted Hollow, see button at bottom of page
WOSIB Fae Garden

WOSIB Fae Garden Square designed by Fae Peweli Queen Rosei Fairy LadyMuse
Fae Lily Fae Peweli Faery Lavendar
Fae JiliAna Denim Skye- denimskye.bravepages.com is gone Fae Dragonfly
Fae of Pink Moon Fae Rainbow Moon Fae Jili Ana
Moon Petal Ice Faery

WOSIB Members

Mandy Cajun Rose Pamster
Garden Fairy Colleen Lady Athene
Berkanna - berkannasrealm is gone Lady Sunshine Jan, Head of the WOSIB Quilters
LeeAnn WOSIB Quilter Paula WOSIB Quilter

Chrissy Cosmic Sparkle Caroline Michele- michyland.com seems to be gone
Tam Lady Kree Ananya- flock-of-fairies.com is gone

No-right-click script from Dynamic Drive

Jili Ana's WOSIB Fae Quilt Ring
Ring Owner: Fae Jili Ana Site: Fae Jili Ana's Garden of Secrets
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faelily {at}virushead{dot}net

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