Awards for Fae Lily's Woodland Glen
These are my site awards. Click Here for My Special WOSIB and WOSIB Fae Garden Awards!

Magickal Site Award from Ldy_IceDragon's Images
August 19, 2004. "You've won my Magickal Site Award! :)."
Thank you Ldy_IceDragon!

Beautiful Faery Site Award from Paulina's Playground
April 11, 2004. "Your site is delightful! I enjoyed my visit very much. Here is my award with my compliments."
Thanks Paulina!

The Gold Award from The Pixie Pit
February 21, 2004. "Bibbin and Bibbette are pleased to announce your Site has been reviewed and you have won our Gold Award !!"
Thanks Bibbin and Bibette!

Beautiful Website Award from Whimsical Beams
November 11, 2003. "You have a beautiful site and I truly enjoyed my visit there.. I hope you enjoy this award and I'm happy to present it to you, my friend. Have a good week and Brightest Blessings!"
Thanks, Alicia!

Beautiful Site Award from Caitlin's Castle
November 6, 2003. "You have such a lovely site! I enjoyed my visit here very much!"
Thanks, Princess Caitlin!

Flock of Fairies Award of Excellence
November 2, 2003. "Just visited your site which I found enchanting and very pretty. I enjoyed
looking around your beautiful realm :)"
Thanks Ananya!

The Land of Faery Excellence in Creation Award
November 1, 2003. "The faeries believe that you put much love and fae magic in creating your realm. They know how much time it takes to create such a mystical place where fae folk can visit and feel welcome. Your Realm is very magical. And I would be honored if you accept this award."
Thanks ~Mystify Me~!

The Land of Faery Sitering Magic Award for Participants in the Ring
November 1, 2003.
Thanks ~Mystify Me~! Click the award to add your site to the ring

Fae Lily was the persona of a member of the Fae Garden in the Women of Inner Strength and Beauty group (2003-04). Fae Lily is VirusHead! You can see my VirusHead WOSIB pages here.