Fae Lily's Fae Quizzes

What kind of fairy are you?

Fall Fairy
You like to be alone and see everything around you. You like to do things alone. You're a fall fairy,but fall is a very pretty and soft time of year.

What kind of female faerie are you?

Pillywiggins, a trouping flower fae Closely related to pixies, Pillywiggins are playful seasonal faeries associated with spring. They are also called Flower Faeries and Spring Faeries. (rampantgecko.com is gone)

What's your spirit?

Wind Spirit
Thought above feeling and mind over matter are your mottos. Others come to you for advice and guidance. Some see you as introverted and snobbish, but they are merely jealous of your common sense knack to think things through. Don't be afraid to listen to your heart.

Your magical style is Faery.
What type of Magic do you work? Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

What is your magic Fairy's Name?
Your fairy is called Yarrow Elfweb
She is a cheerful sprite.
She lives close to vixen and badger sets.
She is only seen in the mist of an early morning.

What World of Darkness Figure are you?
