- Free Baby Tooth Chart from Anbesol.
- Online Pregnancy and Childbirth Classes from About.com.
- Free Family Futures Bright Childhood Talk Cards in Word format to download. Pick sets for infant, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescents. Bright Futures Family Talkcards are designed to bring Bright Futures concepts to families and to bridge the gap between guidelines and practice. Sets cover areas of Healthy Habits, Family, Responsibility, School, Community, and Social Skills.
- Free personalized toilet training book, progress chart, big kid certificate and other tools at the Huggies Pull-ups site.
- Crib Safety and Security - How To Make Baby's Crib Safe & Secure
- Free animated gif graphic with your baby's name at Cartoon Cottage.
- Free samples coupons and newsletter from Enfamil.
- Free epostcard pregnancy and birth announcements from The Parent's Place.
- Free newletter from Pregnancy Weekly takes you through your entire pregnancy.
- The Interactive Pregnancy Calendar will build a day-by-day customized calendar detailing the development of a baby from before conception to birth.
- Check out the baby's gender with the Chinese Lunar Calendar (for entertainment only).
- Pregnancy Daily offers a daily pregnancy calendar and lots of other links for when your baby is born and begins (ouch) to grow up.
- Get FREE STUFF, hot deals, special offers and information about things for your family like health, travel, shopping, sports, computers and much more by email. Subscribe for free here.
- Huggies offers a quarterly email newletter called The Happy Baby Times, as well as free special offers and mailed coupons.
- Download free infant stimulation graphics!
Free Cool Baby Graphics - FreebieList.com - Listing only the best quality free stuff.
- Downloadable freebies from babybumblebee.com - infant safety checklist, alphabet posters, number posters, tips for promoting speech and language development, vocabulary builder flashcards, and more to come. Also get a free catalog of their products.
- Fitting Station Locator for a free check from Daimler Chrysler to see if you have installed your baby car seat correctly in a community outreach program called "Fit for a Kid."
- Cosco Rebates
- Free Slideshow and Poster for your Fussy Baby from Lampkin's Fussy Baby Help Page
- Download a free cute babies screensaver at Genelex Paternity Testing.
- Very Best Baby (from Nestle/Carnation) - Fill out a short form for a FREE Subscription to Very Best Baby Magazine, email updates, chart your pregnancy weight gain, check eating habits, watch baby grow, remember vaccines.
- Free Printable Potty Training Reward Chart from childavenue.com.
- 123Greetings.com
- More freebies at Bayou Babies Freebies
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